Supervised Visitation
Common Ground Family Services, LLC provides professionally supervised on-site, off-site, and in-home visitation services for parents, grandparents, and children in need of a neutral third party to observe parent-child interactions while ensuring the safety of children and to provide accurate and objective feedback to the Courts. CGFS has earned the trust and respect of the Courts in Summit and surrounding counties and has a proven track record as a leader in providing quality visitation and conflict resolution services.
Supervised visitation provides opportunities for parents and children to re-establish positive relationships in a safe, family friendly environment when parenting time has been disrupted. Supervised Visitation Services are available seven days per week including evenings and weekends and are provided on a sliding fee scale. For more information about the costs and availability of Supervised Visitation Services please see Our Fees & Our Hours.
Common Ground Family Services provides a relaxed, home-like atmosphere for parents and children to experience positive enriching activities together in as natural an environment as possible. Visits can take place in any child friendly and age appropriate environment – the possibilities are endless.
Our Visitation Specialists will accompany your family to nearby attractions such as parks, theaters, museums, restaurants, bowling alleys, skating rinks, special events, etc. as long as there are no restrictions from the Court. You make the plans – we provide the supervision! When approved by the Court or when the custodial parent is in agreement, visits may also take place in the home of the non-custodial parent and/or other relatives. For a list of some nearby family friendly attractions see Nearby Attractions.