Common Ground Family Services provides quality professional Mediation services to families, organizations, and other disputants when parties agree or are court ordered to participate in a conflict resolution process to resolve their differences.
Mediation is a preferred alternative to litigation and guides parents toward reaching consensus with the assistance of a professionally trained neutral third party (Mediator), thus avoiding the emotional and financial costs associated with “fighting it out” in court.
Rather than paying attorneys to argue on your behalf in an attempt to help you “win” your case and putting a Judge or Magistrate in control of making decisions that affect you and your family, choosing to resolve your differences through Mediation enables you and the other party to make your own decisions and allows for a less expensive and less combative way to negotiate and reach a mutually agreeable solution.
When you entrust your dispute resolution process to the professionals at Common Ground Family Services, you can be assured that your privacy and confidentiality will be of utmost importance as we work tirelessly to help both parties discuss concerns, identify common interests, explore possible solutions, and negotiate a detailed written “win-win” agreement.
For more information about the costs and availability of Mediation services, please see Our Fees & Our Hours.